Its called "Presence of Mind" o_O

hola ^_^

Well you see, the topic of this post is something to think about.. I have been thinking about it alot actually.. I have always thought about it, however I wanted to share my opinions and observations this time because of two things!

Firstly, what do I mean by "presence of mind". It is often said that the worth of a person is determined by their reaction to a life threatening situation. Not just worth, its how stable a person really is emotionally and how much a person is in control of herself/himself.

I recently saw the first episode of the hit series "Lost" (this is not a promotional post :P.. if it was.. I would have actaully ended up profitting from this post.. but I am not o_O). Well the series opens up with Jack (one of the protagonists) waking up on the ground, realising that the plane has actually crash landed... He gets up and looks around and hears screams.. and then the camera zooms into the scene of the crash. Broken pieces of the aircraft, bloody dead bodies, scattered luggage, people running and screaming... it really does hit you! And here is this one man, Jack, who takes it all in a second and runs to help the injured. Thats "presence of mind"... atleast thats what I believe. Instead of panicking like the others, he chose to do what he could realising that he is not that hurt.

This obviously got me thinking. So many accidents happen everyday in Delhi itself. And surely how a person reacts to such a situation is what determines how much courage one has. Take the bombings that happened last year in Delhi, 2 days prior to Diwali. Obviously the first instinct is to protect oneself, however those who run in the opposite direction to help are something else. Watashi wa dochira? sa...

Many events in life test one and show us what we are made of. How we react to situations is not always the same but nonetheless a peek into our character. I haven't been presented with a life threatening situation thankfully, but I believe that I can handle it. Atleast I hope that I can handle it. I don't want to be the one to run away and hide. Besides, how far can one run.

Well thats all I have to say on this...

In other news... I am the new CDP head... yayay ^_^ (CDP = Child Development Programme)
CDP is a part of NSS (National Social Service) and I am going to head the LSR (my college) branch of CDP!!! Yatta!!!!! ^_^

Thats about it....
oh yea.... MY EXAMS ARE COMING!!!.... buts it ok... although i will no longer be a 2nd year student T_T...hmpf

till later -_-

ciao ^_^
