
Tastes and treats of 2020

It is the 2nd of January 2021. Like most people around the world, I, too, am pacing myself into this new year, after the global historical phenomenon that was the year 2020. Life changed for every living creature on this planet, beginning with the raging wildfires in Australia, to the pandemic and lockdown, paving the way to clearer skies, emptier streets, breathable air, and what not. In the midst of the change and the chaos of 2020, as an endearing solace, I managed to continue honing my skills as a home baker. As the year began, I started my 2020 baking adventure with a rather ambitious undertaking. For my birthday, my brother had, amongst other things, gifted me the subscription to the App, Masterclass. On the App, I stumbled across Mr. Domique Ansel and his delectable easy-to-follow recipes. It is there that I came across "The Chocolate Cake". A three layered, no-flour chocolate cake, the prep for which was spread across three days, mixed with complex techniques and prec

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